Natural Human Rights - Gun Free Zone Prohibition - Active Shooter Mitigation - Counter Terrorism Commentary - "Weapons of War" Proliferation
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The Muslim And The Pulse (Part 2)
The Fight
Whether a shooting is conducted by a crazed dateless loser or an enraged Islamic import from an irrational low IQ part of the world the US government is in love with, your carry pistol, training, and willingness to live are the only things preventing your premature death and that of those targeted during an active shooting attack.
History has demonstrated hiding in a closet or bathroom, waiting for SWAT to stage up and save your ass, is a death sentence. If you cannot immediately escape the scene of an active shooting your best chance for survival is opposing armed deadly force with armed deadly force, despite fools like Gerarldo Rivera suggesting unarmed victims, with zero force on force training, physically oppose killers possessing indeterminable amounts of live ammunition.
Accepting active shooting mitigation advice from idiots like Mr. Dancing With The Stars will add your corpse to a overflowing morgue of well-ventilated bodies faster than you can ask, “what's the number for 911?”
If you want to survive an active shooting attack, carry a gun (reputable manufacturer's pistol) and train with the gun you carry. Or don't and work your jujitsu on 'battle rattle loaded out jihadi whose been planning his attack for six months.'
This is not going to stop
The ASRP has been warning, for some time, Islamic attacks on American citizens will increase in frequency and severity, but the prediction is hardly clairvoyant considering the demographic calamity of our nation.
With around 3 million Muslims living in the US, a majority of who support Sharia law and detest Western civilization, terror attacks like Boston, San Bernardino, and Orlando will continue.
In addition to the Obama administration taking zero action against radical Muslims in and coming into America -the phylum they enlisted to destroy Western society- increased US military action against ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, will not weaken the threat of Islamic attacks in the States, but encourage radical US-based Muslims to conduct more violent operations.
I am not suggesting inaction against Islamic militants abroad, simply recognizing that we will, for generations, be involved in a hot war on US soil with soldiers of humanity's largest theocratic mistake unless openly radical Muslims in the US are significantly reduced by incarceration, deportation, and immigration bans.
Gun control, not radical Muslim control, is the priority
Regardless of facts and government ineptitude surrounding every Islamic shooting attack, the political and media narrative always circles back to identity politics and the pressing need for, instead of controlling irrational low IQ Muslims, making Americans more vulnerable by restricting the guns we can own and places we can be armed.1
In reality, the left is so disgustingly sick, so painfully stupid, and, as a consequence, so reasonless, Obama himself could shoot up a preschool yelling "Allahu Akbar" and the first words out of his insane administration's mouth, and that of the Marxist media, would be “more gun control.”
Where guns are not available, jihadists will use knives, bombs, and vehicles to blow up and mow down crowds of innocents gathered for work or recreation. None of these realities, however, deter the psychotic left from pursuing the confiscation of your personal property and sole means of protecting yourself and family from violent involuntary death.
Obama, his DOJ, and many others directly involved in the inexplicable social mobility of Omar Mateen, make the highest levels of government so overwhelmingly culpable for what they purposely ignored and allowed to happen they may as well have, themselves, killed 49 people in Orlando early Sunday morning.
1. Long gone are days when educated immigrants wanting to legally, socially, and culturally become Americans are most prevalent at American ports and borders. Nowadays the deck is being intentionally stacked against Americans who love America with mostly low IQ immigrants that have nothing to offer our country but irrationality, hatred, and violence.
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