ATTN: AP Ammo Comments on Proposed Ban of M855 5.56x45mm
BATFE Office of Regulatory Affairs,
Enforcement Programs and Services,
We are writing to voice opposition
to the BATFE's proposed “banning” of M855 Green Tip
5.56x45mm ammunition. This unconstitutional and extra-legal
restriction on M855 has nothing to do with public safety or
protection of law enforcement, but is another example of paranoid
government depriving Americans of property and freedom.
As with 7N6 5.45x39mm imported from
Russia, there has never been an incident involving an attack on a
member of law enforcement using M855 ammunition solely for the
purpose of penetrating LEO body armor. Statistically criminals who
use firearms against law enforcement are not knowledgeable enough
about ammunition, or firearms, to distinguish M855 from, say,
standard “Remington” .223 cal hunting ammunition.
Furthermore, as the ATF is well
aware, any standard 55 grain .223 caliber bullet can penetrate level
II body armor worn by most law enforcement officers. Therefore, under
the argumentation of the ATF's 7N6 and proposed M855 ban, no American
citizen should have access to any ammunition caliber above .22 long
rifle since since most rifle ammunition, above .22 cal, can penetrate
police body armor and is “armor piercing” according to the ATF's
incredibly low standard for AP ammunition.
The true classification for “armor
piercing” is ammunition developed to penetrate the armor of
mechanized vehicles and barricades on the battlefield. The anti-gun
lobby has perverted the meaning of “AP” to mean 'any ammunition
that can penetrate law enforcement body armor,' which is virtually
every form of rifle ammunition available to the public.
Neither 7N6 or M855 projectiles have
the characteristics of military spec small arms AP ammunition, which
include hardened steel, tungsten or tungsten carbide, depleted
uranium, pyrophoric (or “self-sharpening on impact) cores,
explosive or incendiary tips to aid in penetration, copper, or
cupronickel jackets surrounding a “penetrator.” As with the 7N6
ban, the goal of a M855 ban is obvious: 'ban the ammunition and the
guns will follow.'
Why, in this era of increasing
active shootings, violent crime, and Islamic terror attacks, is the
ATF constantly working to make Americans less capable of protecting
ourselves from criminal deadly force? Why is the ATF not an advocate
for American freedom and Second Amendment rights? Why, in an
environment where criminals commit crimes with firearms, does the ATF
seek to punish legal and lawful American gun owners with never-ending
bans and restrictions on guns and ammunition?
Law enforcement officers, despite
their importance in maintaining order in society, can only respond
to, not prevent, attacks on innocent citizens. Federal law
enforcement agencies should, therefore, encourage and enable
Americans to become more capable of protecting ourselves, not
constantly depriving us of the means to do so.
The American Gun Community
Submit comments in any of
three ways (but do not submit the same comments multiple times or by
more than one method): ATF website: Follow
the instructions for submitting comments. Fax: (202) 648-9741.
Mail: Denise Brown, Mailstop 6N-602, Office of Regulatory Affairs,
Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC
20226: ATTN: AP Ammo Comments.