Natural Human Rights - Gun Free Zone Prohibition - Active Shooter Mitigation - Counter Terrorism Commentary - "Weapons of War" Proliferation
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
"I'll take a bullet before you do, that's for damn sure." No Det. Jorge Lozano. You will not.
Forcibly unarmed, innocent citizens in state and federally-mandated gun free zones are victims of active shooting attacks, not the police who, unfortunately, respond well after bodies of the aforementioned have been stacked.
Although Det. Jorge Lozano is likely an outstanding police officer protecting and serving his community, heroes are historically people who do things to save lives not people who say things that might save lives.
No offense Officer Lozano, but you were wrapped up by the PC, feel-good culture that gave credit for a "heroic" symbolic act while 14 dead and 27 wounded bodies adjoined a gun free zone where no police or armed citizens were available to prevent or stop the carnage of an active shooting terrorist attack.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Obama's Gun Control: My letter to State and Federal representatives. Copy, paste, and email to your reps if you like.
As the Jihadist in Chief Barack Hussein Obama plans to spread Islamic terror by illegally harassing American gun owners, remember that our human right to protect our lives, with firearms of all makes and models, is not bestowed by a political class or writing on a piece of paper. The right to self defense from criminal deadly force is bestowed upon all people by virtue of our humanity.
The American people do not require legislative or constitutional “permission” to own and possess firearms that prevent Islamic savages, deranged active shooters, criminals, or the government from threatening and murdering us at will. Gun laws created to endanger public safety via bans and restrictions are a violation of our human rights and will not be obeyed.
“Tis the General's desire that the men lay upon their Arms in their tents and quarters, ready to turn out at a moments warning, as there is the greatest likelihood of it.” -General Orders. George Washington HQ New York, July 2, 1776
Millions of armed Americans, civilian and military, are 'laying upon our arms, ready to turn' against any transgressions of our liberty be it theocratic, judicial, executive, or legislative. We will not conform to laws or orders that violate our human civil right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
(your name)
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Shoot back or be shot!
Again, unprotected civilians in gun free zones are the primary targets of Islamic jihadists and deranged active shooters, not law enforcement, the military, or secured government facilities. Prepare yourselves accordingly.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Stopping Islamic Terror on American Soil: Four things we can do now.
This segment will propose four measures US states, cities, and towns can implement to greatly reduce the chances of Islamic terror attacks having significant physical and psychological impacts on our people and communities.
It is key to remember that in this war counter-terrorism is our responsibility. Citizens, despite jihadist propaganda to the contrary, are the primary targets and intended victims of Islamic militants, not secured government buildings, military installations, or law enforcement.
Last week I attended a meeting with a number of community leaders and policy makers discussing the latest attack on Paris and solutions to terrorism on American soil. In attendance was an individual who stated 'there is really nothing we can do as citizens to stop domestic terror attacks.' Most accepted this assertion, but some, after being shocked into a moment of silence, rebutted the notion of passive resignation to Islamic savagery.
In reality there is a lot Americans can do at the state and local level to avoid being victimized like the citizens of "gun free" Paris.
Think like a terrorist
Anyone with a
theoretical or practical education in counter-terrorism has likely been
told, at one time, to 'debase your humanity and get into the mind of a terrorist.' This, of course, does not mean memorizing tyrannous Koranic verse, but contemplating attacks that will yield jihadists the most bang
for their available resources.
With thousands in Western intelligence networks watching and listening, Allah's minions must plan simple but brutal attacks with small arms and transportable explosives to produce maximum panic and perpetual fear. And with active shootings the growth sector of Islamic jihad, American communities must abandon the mentality of depending on the state for safety and get imaginative in preempting the unimaginable, starting with K-12 schools.
With thousands in Western intelligence networks watching and listening, Allah's minions must plan simple but brutal attacks with small arms and transportable explosives to produce maximum panic and perpetual fear. And with active shootings the growth sector of Islamic jihad, American communities must abandon the mentality of depending on the state for safety and get imaginative in preempting the unimaginable, starting with K-12 schools.
The first line of defense against terror attacks on US soil must be our school children. Envision a scenario where terrorists attack a rural elementary school multiplying the fatality rate of Sandy Hook by a factor of ten or more.
Few recall the September 2004 Beslan school attack in North Ossetia-Alania, Russia. The attack, and subsequent siege, was conducted by the Islamic militants of Riyad-us Saliheen and lasted three days. It involved the taking of over 1,100 hostages and ended with the death of 385 people, including 186 children.
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The Beslan attack took place as children, accompanied by their parents and relatives, attend ceremonies on the first day of the Russian school year 1 September 2004. |
Using state and local law enforcement to protect American schools will draw resources away from "adult" society. However, children who cannot protect themselves must be a priority over citizens capable and responsible for their own protection.
Of course, filling schools with RSOs must be finite and temporary. School systems will, over time, need to develop and train willing and able staff in active shooter response protocols. Nowhere is there a more high value target for Islamic terrorists than children, and nowhere is there a more target rich environment than gun free schools.
Like their psychologically deranged active shooter counterparts, Islamic terrorists seek the most vulnerable hunting grounds and know innocent people can be easily killed in federal and state-mandated gun free zones.
In addition to being a boon for anti-gun activists, politically capitalizing in the wake of mass shootings, gun free schools and places of work offer psychotic killers multiple defenseless victims with limited or no avenues of escape.
Because there are national vicissitudes of support for and opposition to self-defense, American citizens, the true targets of Islamic jihad, will need to petition their local governments, school boards, and places of employment to initiate the irradiation of state gun free zones.
Gun ownership in America, thanks greatly to the anti-Second Amendment Obama administration, is at levels never before seen. Americans buy guns, and continue to buy guns, at rates over which gun control activists are losing years of life from sheer knee-knocking panic.
Despite the multitude of unconstitutional gun laws, that illegally determine what kind of guns we can own, Americans greatly differ from the rest of the forcibly disarmed world in that our human civil right to self defense, from criminal deadly force, is inherent by virtue of our humanity and protected by the Supreme Law of our land, much, of course, to the displeasure of Hamiltonian tyrants like "King" Obama.
Whether a former war fighter with a handful of highly-tuned weapons or a couch potato with a thousand rifles, it is important to have training and tactical knowledge of mitigating violent conflicts in American cities and towns. In other words, our training in the world we now live must focus on active shooter response in civilian-rich, urban environments.
A combat veteran mitigating an terrorist shooting at 'Walmart' cannot rely on the talent and firepower of his former GWOT squad from Iraq or Afghanistan. In contrast, a CCW holder who shoots a 100 rounds on a static range twice a year can be an under-prepared liability to everyone in a terrorist-targeted shopping mall or restaurant turned battle space.
You, the armed citizen on the scene of an attack, are the first responder. Therefore, during an attack, you are the force multiplier until an attack ends or friendlies with guns arrive on scene.
Mold your tactical training, carry weapon(s), and ammo count to stop multiple threats with rifles and portable explosives; a tall order for one person with a pistol and, potentially, a family to protect, but our choices, as recent terror attacks have demonstrated, are to fight or be murdered. I prefer to fight and live, which requires ample tactical training, marksmanship, and weapons awareness.
Despite the multitude of unconstitutional gun laws, that illegally determine what kind of guns we can own, Americans greatly differ from the rest of the forcibly disarmed world in that our human civil right to self defense, from criminal deadly force, is inherent by virtue of our humanity and protected by the Supreme Law of our land, much, of course, to the displeasure of Hamiltonian tyrants like "King" Obama.
Whether a former war fighter with a handful of highly-tuned weapons or a couch potato with a thousand rifles, it is important to have training and tactical knowledge of mitigating violent conflicts in American cities and towns. In other words, our training in the world we now live must focus on active shooter response in civilian-rich, urban environments.
A combat veteran mitigating an terrorist shooting at 'Walmart' cannot rely on the talent and firepower of his former GWOT squad from Iraq or Afghanistan. In contrast, a CCW holder who shoots a 100 rounds on a static range twice a year can be an under-prepared liability to everyone in a terrorist-targeted shopping mall or restaurant turned battle space.
You, the armed citizen on the scene of an attack, are the first responder. Therefore, during an attack, you are the force multiplier until an attack ends or friendlies with guns arrive on scene.
Mold your tactical training, carry weapon(s), and ammo count to stop multiple threats with rifles and portable explosives; a tall order for one person with a pistol and, potentially, a family to protect, but our choices, as recent terror attacks have demonstrated, are to fight or be murdered. I prefer to fight and live, which requires ample tactical training, marksmanship, and weapons awareness.
4. Stop bringing Muslims refugees into the United States
Yes, it's hard to believe, but our federal policy makers can actually do something to help us, in this war, that doesn't involve their normal routine of wiping out our freedoms and civil liberties to "keep us safe."
Stop bombing Muslim countries and bringing their traumatized, disenfranchised, illiterate, poorly skilled, angry, Western civilization-hating citizens here to the US. Bomb them and leave them there. Stop bombing them and leave them alone, but, overall, stop bringing them here. Islam, as Europe has painfully discovered by bringing in just one or two many Muslims, is completely incompatible with Western civilization.
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We'll just let in a few, thousand. How bad could it get? |
Importing refugees from war-torn lands of Islam should completely stop, as should immigration from all regions antithetical to American culture. Muslim refugees coming from hell on earth are not integrating into European or American society. They are not taking jobs at local companies and businesses. They are not inventing, innovating, and enriching the economies of the Western world. Instead, they are coming, by the thousands, being put on social services, and remaining locked inside the hub of Islamic bias, superstition, and irrationality where they become even more hostile to and disgusted by their new Western surroundings. And, by the way, we are paying for it all.
The good news
While our doltish and self-serving federal political class fumbles one mistaken Mid-East policy initiative after another the good news is a prepared American people can defeat Islamic jihad at home. How? Because, well, jihadies are overwhelmingly inept. Why do you think US grunts live to engage clumsy, poorly-trained, girly, goat-fucking, dress-wearing, amphetamine-popping Islamic militants in on the battlefield? It is because, in addition to being tactically impossible, jihadies are generally easy to kill when fighting head to head for reasons previously mentioned.
It doesn't matter how much black pajama camp training "idiots for Allah" receive, they can never match the fighting skills of well-trained American gun fighters, which is why, like their mentally deranged active shooter friends, they seek to prey on disarmed citizens in gun free zones.
Counter terrorism is our responsibility as much as the government's because we, US citizens, are the primary targets of terrorists. Never forget that in a free society, what's left of it, we are responsible for our own protection.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Obama's ISIS Army Advancing in Europe
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Now there's a happy boy! |
Obama's unicorn ranch foreign policy has come under such scrutiny, since the latest attacks in socialist/gun free France, even his staunchest supporters in the activist media are grilling his surrogates over ISIL's continued successes.
If Obama were anything less than the creator and chief facilitator of ISIL, he could have, long ago, destroyed the Islamic cancer with a Marine battalion and complement of SEAL teams.
But we know, from events unfolding around the world, that Obama wants nothing but a continuance of ISIL since its terror activities, in predominately, Iraq, Syria, and Libya, are causing massive disruptions to Western civilization; the primary goal and legacy of his pro-Islam, Marxist, Nasserist presidency.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
"I need some muscle over here!”
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Sieg Hiel! |
Never forget the strategic intent of the progressive left is always coercion, force, and the outright destruction of all inherent freedom and human rights. Just ask Melissa 'help me get this reporter out of here' Click. Her future, as an assistant instructor at the University of Missouri, is being decided by the University's School of Journalism after she denied reports their First Amendment rights to cover a story while "protecting" protesters' First Amendment rights to freely congregate and petition.
She, as you can see from this video, was hardly alone.
Seems the kind, gentle, tolerant and accepting left is anything but.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The "Improving" Obama Economy. Having a job vs being "employed"
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Professor Obama says, "you're doing great America!" |
What does an article about the factual state of the economy have to do with a webpage devoted to the proliferation of a well-armed, and trained, American citizenry and the end of gun free zones? Obviously economic instability, social volatility and the issues that face armed citizens with the expansion of both.
Whether prepping for a global financial meltdown or simply concerned about their jobs, many Americans believe our economy is in serious trouble and the economic data we receive to the contrary is somehow flawed or outright dishonest.
Last Friday, for example, the media cheer led the Obama administration over the October 2015 Non-Farm Employment number; 271K jobs "added" vs 181K jobs forecast. Ignored was the Non-Farm Employment number, released the first Friday of each month, measures the number of Americans who "lost" their unemployment insurance, not those who transitioned from unemployed to employed.
So if you lost your job and are collecting unemployment insurance the government will consider you reemployed once your unemployment insurance has expired whether you have an actual job or not. Welcome to the madhouse of selectively manipulated Keynesian economic data.
The press also celebrated Obama's "burgeoning" economy by noting a 0.1% drop in the October unemployment rate, from 5.1% to and even 5%. What these economic media experts failed to mention is that the monthly unemployment rate is, by definition, the "percentage of the total work force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment during the previous month."
So, just to place this highly-touted but completely idiotic economic metric in perspective, massive segments of the American public can be unemployed, yet still contribute to a lower national unemployment rate. Those of us who follow the Austrian School of Economics have a highly technical term for such statistical manipulation; "bullshit."
With so much intentionally false information masquerading as legitimate economic data, to what, besides asking our neighbors about their job security (or lack of), can we look for a clearer picture of American employment health?
ADP Non-Farm Employment Number
Prior to release of the misleading Non-Farm Employment number, the ADP Non-Farm Employment number is released the first Wednesday of each month and provides a more accurate picture of the real American Economy. This number is also good for sending Keynesian economists into profanity-laced tirades because it actually measures something to do with economic growth or contraction; the number of people receiving, or no longer receiving, pay checks.
ADP provides payroll services (cuts pay checks) to US corporations. Their data from around 400,000 companies is analyzed to derive employment growth estimates. So, basically, the "ADP number" is the difference between the increase or decrease in payroll checks printed, cut, and sent out to employers month to month.
And what would you guess was October's ADP number prior to release of Friday's gushingly good Non-Farm Employment number? Yup, a loss in jobs. 182K actual jobs added vs the 183K jobs expected by surveying economist. This, of course, is only a 1000 point deviation, but overall ADP numbers demonstrate seven of the past ten months, of 2015, have been negatives for employment in the United States. I bet this is no surprise and directly correlates to what your "gut" has been telling you about the economy all along.
In reality four of the past seven years of Obama's "growing" socialist economy have seen monthly job losses with one year, 2013, a break even for jobs, and only two, pre-Obamacare 2011 and 2012, showing job gains over job losses. Don't want to believe the Obama economy, for which the only economic policy initiative has been the destruction of affordable health insurance, is shedding jobs? See for yourself.
Are we being lied to about the real economy? Is promoting a narrative contrary to the facts "lying"?
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wrong, Ben, Wrong!
2016 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson recently soiled his shoes by stepping in a pile of his own making when suggesting terrified victims of the Umpqua Community College shooter, after seeing their professor head shot point blank, 'should have rushed the shooter instead of doing nothing and being shot.'
why do so called conservatives not have the courage to address gun free zones as the real cause of mass shootings in America? Why are none of our presumed pro-gun politicians calling for an end to gun free zones and demanding American citizens be armed and allowed our human and constitutional civil right to self-defense from criminal deadly force?
We certainty don't see animal rights activists demanding the prey of predatory species have their claws, teeth, and horns removed to prevent being attacked and eaten by carnivorous attackers. Yet the mantra of "remove guns from potential victims to make public places safe" is always the first go-to for political opponents and too many self-espoused advocates of the Second Amendment.
A recent study by Purdue University Professor Eric Dietz, handily ignored by media outlets, demonstrates that all mass shooting since the 1950s, for the exception of two, have been in gun free zones. Dietz also constructed a statistical model showing how 10 percent of teachers carrying concealed firearms, in addition to the presence of an armed resource officer, reduces school active shooting casualties by 70.2 percent.
Contact your Washington representatives. Inform them that to be serious about stopping active shootings they must first irradiate federally-mandated gun free zones; the preferred hunting grounds for deranged savages known as "active shooters". And please, if you are voting Republican in 2016 vote for a candidate who understands guns and the purpose of guns in American history and culture.
why do so called conservatives not have the courage to address gun free zones as the real cause of mass shootings in America? Why are none of our presumed pro-gun politicians calling for an end to gun free zones and demanding American citizens be armed and allowed our human and constitutional civil right to self-defense from criminal deadly force?
We certainty don't see animal rights activists demanding the prey of predatory species have their claws, teeth, and horns removed to prevent being attacked and eaten by carnivorous attackers. Yet the mantra of "remove guns from potential victims to make public places safe" is always the first go-to for political opponents and too many self-espoused advocates of the Second Amendment.
A recent study by Purdue University Professor Eric Dietz, handily ignored by media outlets, demonstrates that all mass shooting since the 1950s, for the exception of two, have been in gun free zones. Dietz also constructed a statistical model showing how 10 percent of teachers carrying concealed firearms, in addition to the presence of an armed resource officer, reduces school active shooting casualties by 70.2 percent.
Contact your Washington representatives. Inform them that to be serious about stopping active shootings they must first irradiate federally-mandated gun free zones; the preferred hunting grounds for deranged savages known as "active shooters". And please, if you are voting Republican in 2016 vote for a candidate who understands guns and the purpose of guns in American history and culture.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Armed Americans are at a Legal and Temporal Disadvantage: Timing - Mindset - Training.
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Davis Tutt helping himself to Bill Hickok's favorite watch, over which Hickok would kill Tutt and be arrested for murder.* |
Wild Bill Hickok was rumored to have killed hundreds of men in gunfights throughout the West. In reality it was closer to ten. Still a substantial number for any one man. After becoming friends, Buffalo Bill Cody hired Hickok to star in his traveling Wild West show. Upon seeing Wild Bill's shooting skills Cody derived Hickok's successes in gun fighting came from his decisiveness.
"In addition to conjuring calm in the heat of the moment," said Cody. "Bill beat them to it. He made up his mind to kill the other man before the other man had finished thinking, and so Bill would just quietly pull his gun and give it to him."
Unlike Bill Hickok, however, armed citizens in 21st century America do not have the legal latitude to assume an adversary is going to use deadly force. We cannot "go to gun" because of how someone postures or verbally threatens us. A threat must constitute grave bodily harm or death before armed citizens and members of law enforcement can respond with deadly force. We must confirm that we are faced with criminal deadly force before we respond with legal deadly force, which places us at a significant disadvantage in relation to timing.
But just because action is faster than reaction does not mean the first to act, as in Hickok's case, is always the first to win. The first to throw a punch is not always the victor, nor the first to shoot the survivor. Force multiplication is the determining factor in who wins a violent confrontation, not simply who acted and who reacted. And in the context of dangerous and deadly confrontations the key force multipliers are mindset and training.
What, as an armed American or LEO, is your mindset and training? Do you have enough of both to survive a deadly force encounter without being the one who instigated the conflict? Having only one, or neither, means you are more of a liability than an asset to those around you.
In our increasingly dangerous and litigious society armed Americans need Wild Bill Hickok's timing and accuracy without his "decisiveness." Make sense? As armed citizens we never want to see the inside of a criminal or civil courtroom for actions we believed legal, righteous, and necessary.
Mindset and Training for armed civilians, LEOs, and Military:
*Two days after shooting Davis Tutt through the heart at 75 yards Bill Hickok was arrested for murder. Charges were later dropped to manslaughter. In August of 1865 a jury trial acquitted Hickok, deciding he had acted in self-defense.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Can Your Child's School Stop an Active Shooter?
Summer break is over and thousands of federally-mandated gun free zones are filling hallways and classrooms with children for the 2015/2016 school year. Talk to your school system superintendent. Demand to know how he or she is protecting your children from deranged active shooters and opportunistic jihadists. If their plan does not involve firearms, via police or armed security, it is painfully inadequate.
Demand a plan that mandates an armed response to shooting attacks. Choreographed retreats and rehearsed protocols will not stop an active shooting attack. Return fire will. Ensure your school system takes action now. The risks to our schools have never been greater.
Demand a plan that mandates an armed response to shooting attacks. Choreographed retreats and rehearsed protocols will not stop an active shooting attack. Return fire will. Ensure your school system takes action now. The risks to our schools have never been greater.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
What does "remain vigilant" mean?
For days members of the media, FBI, and DHS have been warning American citizens about possible ISIS or ISIS-inspired terror attacks in the US during the coming Fourth of July holiday. With each warning the phrase "remain vigilant' is mindlessly shot out like excreta from the rear of a large farm animal.
"DHS warns Americans to remain vigilant this Fourth of July weekend."
"The FBI is setting up command posts throughout the US and warns Americans celebrating Independence Day to remain vigilant."
Seriously? What exactly does that mean, and how does "remaining vigilant" protect us from jihadists with rifles in gun free zones? Let's look at a few terror scenarios and determine how remaining vigilant works to combat global jihad.
Scenario one: You and your family are enjoying a local Fourth of July parade when a man wearing a headscarf with Arabic writing jumps from the crowd of onlookers, produces a rifle and starts shooting members of the procession. Remain Vigilant!
Scenario two: You are at the mall to see a movie this Fourth of July weekend. Three 'ISIS-inspired gunmen' come from a department store spraying rifle fire into crowds lined up to buy movie tickets. Remain Vigilant!
Scenario three: You and a friend from weapons class meet to watch a ball game the night of the Fourth when shots ring out followed by screams and crowds of terrified spectators running for their lives. Don't touch your guns or employ any training. Remain vigilant! Sure, innocent people will die, thanks to your inactivity, but the important thing is you did exactly what the government and press corps expected. Nothing!
You get my contrived point. I, perhaps like you, am tired of DC security bureaucrats telling our well-armed society to essentially do nothing when jihadis attack our communities.
Obviously we should coordinate with local and federal law enforcement to report crime and potential acts of terror. I am simply promoting a change in thinking from our government by, instead of telling us to cower in hopeless fear if attacked, encouraging us to turn attacks on our attackers.
Stop telling us to "remain vigilant." We know to inform law enforcement of suspicious behavior, but attacks on innocents have to be immediately mitigated when law enforcement is unavailable.
WWIII has started, and it could be the longest violent conflict in human history; lasting until the irradiation of all Islamic jihadists or the moderation of Islam. Like it or not we are all participants and potential targets.
Report suspicious activity but know when to be a combatant in protecting innocent life. Don't just "remain vigilant". Be prepared to act.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
"The Nightmare is over." Nightmare? Really???
Shot and caught two miles from the Canadian border, escape murderer David Sweat discovered the limits of his survival skills when NY Trooper Jay Cook incapacitated the prisoner with two shots from his service pistol, ending a 23-day hunt for the last of two Clinton Correctional Facility escapees. But was the drama surrounding the Matt and Sweat escape really, as the media desperately tried to convince us, a "nightmare" for communities of northern NY?
As a well-armed American, living in the gun-friendly Midwest, I was completely unimpressed by the "danger" Matt and Sweat presented to the communities in which they hid. Yes, two violent felons evading police capture in your neighborhood is a disquieting thought, but there are dangerous paroled, previously released, and yet to be arrested violent criminals roaming the streets of our communities every second of every day. Regarding the Matt and Sweat escape all I can say is, "so what?" In a free society we are responsible for our own protection.
No armed American should ever fear murderers, rapists, or violent sociopaths. Leave that to the anti-gun left and the laws they create to obviate their own freedoms and personal discretion.
As a well-armed American, living in the gun-friendly Midwest, I was completely unimpressed by the "danger" Matt and Sweat presented to the communities in which they hid. Yes, two violent felons evading police capture in your neighborhood is a disquieting thought, but there are dangerous paroled, previously released, and yet to be arrested violent criminals roaming the streets of our communities every second of every day. Regarding the Matt and Sweat escape all I can say is, "so what?" In a free society we are responsible for our own protection.
No armed American should ever fear murderers, rapists, or violent sociopaths. Leave that to the anti-gun left and the laws they create to obviate their own freedoms and personal discretion.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Threat Level "Charlie" this Fourth of July Weekend
Americans have been warned. Both DHS and the FBI have advised ISIS-inspired attacks on American soil are likely this Fourth of July weekend. The question is, who is best equipped to mitigate the violence? Armed and trained Americans, or unarmed citizens and anti-gun liberals? You decide. My rifle and rig are at the ready to rain on any jihadi stooge violently overstepping his freedom of expression during my patriotic, Merica! Fourth of July cookout.
Sorry Barry. We know it is a hindrance for your plans to completely destroy our Republic, but many of us are capable of our own protection.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Church: The last place you do not want to carry, police security or not.
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Whether deranged active shooters or Islamic terror attacks, Christian churches are watering holes for violent predators. |
In the house of the Lord there is only one thing that will save you from an active shooter or terrorist intent on killing you, your family, and members of your congregation. I am sorry to inform you that it is not the All Mighty.
God is in the business of souls, not living beings. You are responsible for your own protection, that of your family, and those incapable of defending themselves from criminal deadly force. Doubts to the contrary can reference any number of mass shootings in places of worship, including the most recent at the Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina.
Although I am not a regular church goer I do attend with family on occasions throughout the year, and I never enter church unarmed. Many pro-gun Americans have a strange notion, when is comes to carrying on Sunday, that they are "safe" at church or should not enter the house of God with a gun.
To those with this belief, the anti-gun establishment thanks you. Look how well your "no guns in church" notion is aiding progressives in promoting gun control after the murder of nine innocent worshipers in SC last Wednesday.
"My church has armed police security so I don't need to carry a gun."
For many, notably those with little or no training, this is exactly the case. Sadly most Americans obtaining licenses to carry handguns in public do not seek professional training to use their firearms in a public or during an active shooting event. I see this weekly at the facility where I train. Groups of people spend eight hours in a licensed carry class, dump a mag to show "ability" in operating their carry gun (many with an informal knowledge of their own platforms), and followup with a few shots on a static range whenever they feel the need.(1)
Those with experience and training in protecting innocent life with guns, however, have an obligation to carry, particularly at church. The church I attend has at least one local LEO stationed at its main entry/exit. I do not personally know the officer, who is a different person each Sunday, but as a legally armed American trained in active shooter mitigation I approach the officer, look him or her in the eye, offer a friendly greeting, and thank that person for being there. The officer says "thank you" in return then looks me up and down, possibly noticing the guns and extra magazines bulging from my suit jacket.(2)
Note I do not engage the officer in conversation or rattle off my resume as an armed citizen. That LEO has a job to do, protecting people at church, not suffocating on hot air emanating from my mouth hole.
I make brief visual and verbal contact with the officer to let them know, "Hey, if all hell breaks lose and you see me shooting violent criminals or terrorists, think FRIENDLY!"
The Emanuel AME Church shooting will, without question, bring more police off the streets and into churches for the purpose of armed security. This does not, however, excuse trained, armed Americans to delegate our responsibility to carry at church and other public places in Obama's America where racial hostility, active shootings, and Islamic terror have become the norm.
(1) I am one hundred percent in favor of arming every decent American citizen, but current threats to our communities, from deranged active shooters to Islamic terrorists, mean more training is needed for growing multitudes of Americans armed in public places.
(2) I do not shake hands with the officer or make any physical contact what so ever. Touching an on-duty, uniformed police officer is a bad idea even in a church atrium on Sunday morning, notably if you happen to be carrying. Know your boundaries, especially when armed.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Three quotes and takeaways from Emanuel Church mass killing
"I do believe this was a hate crime." Irrelevant. Labeling the crime does not bring back the nine murdered.
"The shooting was the most unbelievable act possible." Hardly, but this idiotic statement is regurgitated after every active shooting attack.
"A man in his 20s was seen in a security camera image." Security cameras do not prevent you from being killed. Guns prevent you from being killed.
One of the most odious curses of progressive liberalism has been to dissuade black Americans from owning and possessing defensive firearms. In fact black communities throughout the nation, many riddled with crime and violence, have been localities of "success" for the gun control movement; law abiding citizens politically pressured or legally prohibited from owning firearms while illegally armed criminals run amok in their neighborhoods.
In addition to recognizing that liberalism has ruined far more black lives that it has ever helped, black Americans need, instead of bowing to the wishes of the liberal anti-gun agenda, a Second Amendment renaissance among their race.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Would Obama's State Dept train Americans to kill ISIS as it has trained ISIS to kill Americans?
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Vegan killer: Khalimov takes aim. A tomato dies. |
Before loaning his skills to ISIS Khalimov, a Russian-speaking former police commander, trained in five counter terror courses in Tajikistan and the US, courtesy of the State Department's Diplomatic Security and Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program.
Instead of training, throughout the world and America, terrorists to kill us, why is the Department of State, whose clandestine activities long ago abandoned its mandate of diplomacy, not teaching armed Americans to kill terrorists? Is it not, after all, American cities, towns, homes and families savages like Khalimov want to destroy and murder?
News flash US government. It is not well-armed, fortified US installations ISIS will attack but American citizens they consider most vulnerable. We are the targets to "harden".
On our own.
With federal agencies like the State Department falling under Obama's "leadership" it is little wonder our enemies are being trained, both here and abroad, to destroy western civilization and the American Republic. Obama's foreign policy strategy is the same as his domestic: cause as much damage to the US as possible before January 20, 2017.
In addition to being led by a tyrannical Marxist in the White House, many in our federal agencies see us, notably armed Americans, as stupid, problematic or outright dangerous to the "guberment" notwithstanding our patriotism and loyalty to the Constitution and libertarian ideas of our nation's founding; concepts equally hated by ISIS, statist neo-cons and progressive liberals.(1)
As armed citizens any CT weapons training we receive, despite ISIS organizing attacks on US communities, will be of our own doing though local gun fighting schools and not from any US government agency, unless, apparently, you currently are, or are planning to become, a member of ISIS.
(1) There are thousands of patriotic, constitutional, freedom-loving Americans working in the State Department and other US government agencies, regardless of the incumbent at 1600 Penn. The article is directed at Obama's agency installments, his Marxist destruction of our American Republic and his administration's creation and passive support of ISIS in Libya, Syria and Iraq.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
OBAMA'S ARMY MARCHES ON: Ramadi and Palmyra Fall to ISIS
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Tourist site in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra: "Visitors this way. Market that way. ISIS, HERE!" |
While the no information crowed obsessed over the past due retirement of David Letterman, ISIS, the creation of Hillary's State Department and Obama's White House, claimed another significant win in overtaking the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra.
Some, notably in the progressive liberal Obama administration, would say, as they did with the fall of Fellujah, Mosul, and Ramadi, the ISIS victory over Palmyra is "insignificant" or "merely symbolic." But here is where ISIS victories in those unknowable, far away places matter to you, yes you, "safely" residing in Europe or the United States. With every advance, in Iraq and Syria, ISIS is gaining the hearts and minds of could-be, would-be radicalized Muslims in the West. As ISIS networks in Africa and the Middle East grow so, too, will numbers of jihad recruits in the Western world. ISIS is thinking and planning far into the future while we, in the West, scratch our heads in confusion at or blissfully ignore their victories.
But with growing numbers of ISIS recruits in Europe and the US radicalized Islamic youths will be leaving our countries to fight on the battlegrounds of war-torn Middle East, right? Wrong. As you have likely noticed ISIS, thanks to Hillary and Barack, is having little trouble rolling over the poorly trained, unmotivated Mideast armies in their path. In other words, the "MOS" demand for jihadi fighters in Libya, Iraq and Syria, although still significant, is becoming more of an afterthought for ISIS than are ready-to-activate recruits in Europe and the US.(1)
For the sake of demonstration, not comparison, lets assume an American high school graduate wants to join the US Army and fight in the Infantry; something he will not be doing under the ISIS-friendly Obama administration. Our "kid" walks into a US Army recruiting office and says, "I want to be in the infantry to fight ISIS". The Sergeant informs our young man that 11 Bravo (infantry) jobs are not being filled at the moment (because Obama needs ISIS rampaging across the Middle East) but he, the recruit, can enlist, get a signing bonus and try (good luck) to change his MOS to 11B at a later date.(2)
This scenario applies to the construct of an increasingly organized ISIS. The propagandist recruitment mechanism of ISIS is looking beyond military, territorial and infrastructural gains in Libya, Syria and Iraq, and toward recruits they can activate for, not only terror, but military attacks in Europe and the US.
Like Infantry jobs in the US Army, the current need for ISIS fighters in the AOs of Iraq, Syria, and Libya is somewhat waning in face of a leap into action against targets and territories in Europe and the United States. Pay attention Directorate of Intelligence. This is your "maybe we should make locked cockpit doors on airplanes mandatory" moment.
With the cowards in congress afraid to stop Obama's support of Islamic jihad and destruction of Western civilization it is up to us, the American people, to protect our communities, country and culture. If you are an armed American training in a reputable direct action, gun fighting curriculum, thank you. Keep up the good work.
If, however, you are an armed American who believes you do not need training, due to your "precise accuracy" a some static range, understand that the most highly-trained tactical operators are lucky to be at 80 percent effectiveness during an actual firefight. Meaning that merely thinking about what you "would do" in a gun fight is mental masturbation.
Get off your ass and get training. Do some research. Find a pistol and rifle gun fighting school that will teach you, individually and in teams, to protect innocent life with legal deadly force and train on a regular basis. The next shootout in your neighborhood might not be from fat, aged motorcycle gangsters slinging 1911s and fixed-blade BUCK knives.(3)
Be armed. Be trained. Be ready.
(1) I am not ignorant to the fact that the Obama/Hillary creation of ISIS, and enhancement of Islamic Jihad throughout the world, is likely intended, not only to destroy Western civilization, but to cause global and domestic calamities with the intent of creating a larger, more severe surveillance and police state in the US. Autocrats are criminally obsessed with increasing their power over free people. This subject, although valid, is simply beyond the thesis of this publication.
(2) To potential US Military recruits: Please do not join any branch of the US Armed Forces unless you are willing to solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
(3) Direct action weapons training is not for everyone. Gun owners can be limited, for example, by ability or simply lack interest. This publication, and website, is directed at armed American civilians, LE, and military defending innocent life from criminal deadly force.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
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The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing |
Tactically the 93' attack was a failure since it did not achieve, or achieved little of, the actors' intended results. For the Islamic war against western civilization, however, it was a huge strategic and inspirational success. The United States, home of the world's largest intelligence community and most powerful military, was shown to be vulnerable and, more importantly, "reachable."
Eight years later patience and meticulous planning 'paid off' for our jihadi enemies when, in September 2001, they destroyed the towers and thousands of innocent lives.
Forward to Garland Texas May 2015 and the overtones of February 1993 ring in our ears. Much like the first WTC bombing, however, few are paying attention to the meaning and significance of last Tuesday's attack in Texas.
What happened at the Garland Curtis Culwell Center was not an "end" to anything. In fact, it is the beginning a different and unfamiliar form of domestic conflict with radical Islam. Below are some lessons worth learning about what is to come for America with jihadi operators on US soil.
Lesson One: Garland Texas is only the beginning. Active shooter attacks are the growth sector of Islamic jihad. These attacks will reoccur, but will be larger in scale with a greater potential for loss of life. To most observers ISIS taking credit for the failed Garland attack is laughable. Many would agree that the Muhammad cartoon attack was a flop for Islamic jihad, but that was also the perception after the first WTC attack instigated by Khaled Sheikh Mohammed. By September 2001 Americans realized how much we underestimated our adversaries in their "failed" 1993 attack.
For radical Islam the significance of Garland is it happened, that it was possible. Two sloppy and untrained ISIS-inspired gunmen, despite being transported to a morgue after their failed shooting spree, planned, coordinated, and acted out an attack intent on killing American civilians.
Elton Simpsom and Nadir Soofi, wrapped in blue, shot dead by a fast-acting Garland LEO. |
Luckily the jihadis from Arizona received a 'Texas Welcome' from a fast-acting Garland LEO armed with a .45 caliber Glock. Next time, however, it is probable 'Allah's gunmen' will target those who are less protected, unarmed, or perceived to be unarmed. Think liberal anti-gun city, gun free zone, or, as I keep repeating to no avail, public schools.(1) Like the 1993 WTC attack, Garland is our wake up call. America, pay attention this time.
Lesson Two: Coordination between citizens and LE culminated in bad guys, with the intent and potential of killing dozens, being neutralized by (I know the Left hates this phrase) 'a good guy with gun.' Let's be clear, the massive, unconstitutional surveillance state did not stop this attack. Prepared minds and an appropriate caliber pistol in the right hands did. The FBI warned the Garland police department, but it was Texans, guns, and courage that prevented loss of innocent life.(2)
But make no mistake. This was an easy win for the good guys. After all the Mohammad cartoon event's QRF was the Garland SWAT. Next time jihadi attackers will be better prepared, possibly trained and focused on softer targets; again, unarmed Americans or Americans perceived to be unarmed.
Lesson Three: Progressive liberals and neo-cons will push to take more of your rights, property and freedom if domestic terror attacks increase in frequency and brutality. In short, armed Americans should be prepared for battle on two fronts. One for our lives, and those of our loved ones against jihadist attacks on US soil, and two, a legal and constitutional battle against the progressive and neo-conservative political class for our freedoms and ability to protect ourselves from criminal deadly force.
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The Three Amigos: Over 20 years of unconstitutional Hamiltonian monarchism. |
Expect no less from the statist-compliant "news" media. In a recent FOX episode of Sean Hannity, American Freedom Defense Initiative founder Pam Gellar took liberal commentator Juan Williams to the tool shed on the issue of constitutional free speech in the era of Islamic fascism. In a very personal debate Geller made Williams look like an apologist for the actions of the Garland TX shooters, and Islamic jihad.
The following morning Williams's friend and colleague Geraldo Rivera appeared on Fox and Friends to condemn Gellar, aligning her with the Nazi Party and Aryan Brotherhood, for hosting a contest depicting satirical images of the prophet of Islam.
To the Geraldos and Juans, who place Pam Geller in some radical camp for insulting the world's most sensitive and violent monotheistic religion, your defense of Islam will not save you. Condemn, at the defense of Muslim sensitivities, Americans citizens for practicing our First Amendment rights all you want. Your heads will come off all the same if the savages of ISIS or their followers ever get their hands on you. Condemnation of Pam Geller, or anyone in her organization, will never assuage killers of non-combatant men, women, and children. Which brings us to....
Lesson Four: Jihadi savages can only be "converted" by assuming room temperature via terminal ballistics.
Be armed. Be trained. Be ready.
1. The majority of public schools in the US do not have a full time (armed) resource officer, despite the multitude of city, county and state LE resources available. -Due to federally-mandated gun free zones most US public schools are, in the aftermath of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook, still completely unprotected from criminal deadly force like active shooting attacks. Unlike our school children precious metals, stones, and fiat currency (commodities) in retail and wholesale markets are thoroughly protected by firearms.
2. Watching media commentary, following the Garland terror attack, the Left seemed to regret none of the 200 Americans attending at the Muhammad cartoon event were killed as "punishment" for participating in an activity that "insulted" The Prophet. -Progressive narrative on Garland Cartoon Event: "No one's life should ever be put at risk to exercise American freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution."
America's Domestic War with Radical Islam. Who is Most at Risk?
On Friday 8 May 2015 the US Defense Department raised its threat level from Alpha to
Bravo, or from "possible" to "predictable" threat of terrorism against
American military bases and posts throughout the United States.
An interesting move by the DOD since the most effective and propagandist terror attacks will not be against heavily fortified military installations but against vulnerable and soft targets like schools, gun-free zones, and mass gatherings of unarmed civilians.*
If the DOD were truly concerned for the safety of our service personnel, on and off post, why restrict them from carrying personal firearms for self-defense, and defense of others, while in uniform?
Is the DOD concerned for our service people or "stuff" on base? If the former, why not allow our mothers, fathers, brothers, sister, sons, and daughters in uniform to arm at their discretion in an environment of rising terror threats?
Write your federal representatives. Tell them to allow our service people the same rights as civilians in carrying defensive handguns. Copy, paste, modify, and send my letter (below) to your reps if you want.
An interesting move by the DOD since the most effective and propagandist terror attacks will not be against heavily fortified military installations but against vulnerable and soft targets like schools, gun-free zones, and mass gatherings of unarmed civilians.*
If the DOD were truly concerned for the safety of our service personnel, on and off post, why restrict them from carrying personal firearms for self-defense, and defense of others, while in uniform?
Is the DOD concerned for our service people or "stuff" on base? If the former, why not allow our mothers, fathers, brothers, sister, sons, and daughters in uniform to arm at their discretion in an environment of rising terror threats?
Write your federal representatives. Tell them to allow our service people the same rights as civilians in carrying defensive handguns. Copy, paste, modify, and send my letter (below) to your reps if you want.
Dear Representative .......
In addition to supporting an end to “gun free” zones please author legislation allowing US service
members to carry, for self-defense and the defense of others,
personal concealed handguns while in uniform.
It is preposterous, in
this era of active shootings and terrorism, our uniformed service
personnel have no means of defending themselves or others at the
outset of a “Ft. Hood” or Paris-style terrorist attack.
America must abandon the “not
here” mentality. Combined with the already present threats from
violent criminals and active shooters, western society is in a
multi-generational, asymmetrical war with militant Islam.
All able Americans, civilian and
military, should be legally permitted to respond when our people and
homeland are attacked. At least the US government should not mandate
defenselessness and allow service members who wish to be armed to so
be. Those intent on committing acts of evil will always be armed and
violent despite the rules.
Joe Blow
*Every K-12 school in American should be protected with deadly force, in this elevated terrorist threat environment, yet very few have a full or even part time resource officer. What, in our society, is more important than our children? Certainty not an F-18. What, in our society, would be the highest value target to a savage jihadist? Same answer.
Joe Blow
*Every K-12 school in American should be protected with deadly force, in this elevated terrorist threat environment, yet very few have a full or even part time resource officer. What, in our society, is more important than our children? Certainty not an F-18. What, in our society, would be the highest value target to a savage jihadist? Same answer.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Remembering Waco and Oklahoma City: The Human Cost of Unconstitutional Government Intervention in American Society
What kind of kid were you growing up? Were you the kid that got bullied, the kid that cheered on the bully, as he beat up your weakling classmates, or were you the kid that did your best, despite the pain, to break the bully's nose? I will bet few of you were the latter. I certainty wasn't. Not until Waco.
Below is written what you will not learn from the media or the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum; all sides of the story.
US federal agents killed during raid on Branch Davidian Compound
Conway LeBleu, 31 American
Todd McKeehan 28 American
Robert Williams, 27 American
Steven Willis, 33 American
Branch Davidians killed as a result of the Clinton DOJ raid on their Waco compound
Abedowalo Davies, 30, British
Shari Doyle, 18, American
Beverly Elliot, 30, British
Doris Fagan, 51, British,
Yvette Fagan, 32, British
Lisa Marie Farris, 24, American
Raymond Friesen, 76, Canadian
Sandra Hardial, 27, British
Diana Henry, 28, British
Paulina Henry, 24, British
Phillip Henry, 22, British
Stephen Henry, 26, British
Vanessa Henry, 19, British
Zilla Henry, 55, British
Novellette Hipsman, 36, Canadian
Floyd Houtman, 61, American
Sherri Jewell, 43, American
David M. Jones, 38, American
Bobbie Lane Koresh, 2, American
Cyrus Koresh, 8, American
David Koresh, 33, American
Rachel Koresh, 24, American
Star Koresh, 6, American
Jeffery Little, 32, American
Nicole Gent Little (pregnant), 24, Australian
Dayland Lord Gent, 3, Australian
Paiges Gent, 1, American
Livingston Malcolm, 26, British
Anita Martin, 18, American
Diane Martin, 41, British
Lisa Martin, 13, American
Sheila Martin, Jr., 15, American
Wayne Martin, Jr., 20, American
Wayne Martin, Sr., 42, American
Abigail Martinez, 11, American
Audrey Martinez, 13, American
Crystal Martinez, 3, American
Isaiah Martinez, 4, American
Joseph Martinez, 8, American
Julliete Martinez, 30, American
John-Mark McBean, 27, British
Bernadette Monbelly, 31, British
Melissa Morrison, 6, British
Rosemary Morrison, 29, British
Sonia Murray, 29, American
Theresa Nobrega, 48, British
James Riddle, 32, American
Rebecca Saipaia, 24, Philippine
Judy Schneider, 41, American
Steve Schneider, 43, American
Mayanah Schneider, 2, American
Clifford Sellors, 33, British
Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35, American
Floracita Sonobe, 34, Philippine
Aisha Gyrfas Summers (pregnant), 17, Australian
Gregory Summers, 28, American
Startle Summers, 1, American
Hollywood Sylvia, 1, American
Lorraine Sylvia, 40, American
Rachel Sylvia, 12, American
Chica Jones, 2, American
Michelle Jones Thibodeau, 18, American
Serenity Jones, 4, American
Little One Jones, 2, American
Margarida Vaega, 47, New Zealander
Neal Vaega, 38, New Zealander
Mark H. Wendell, 40, American
Oklahomans killed in bombing of Murrah Federal Building
Rebecca Needham Anderson, 37, Midwest City
Anita Christine Hightower, 27, Oklahoma City
Kathryn Elizabeth Ridley, 24, Oklahoma City
Robert N. Chipman, 51, Edmond
Trudy Jean Rigney, 31, Midwest City
Shelly D. Bland, 25, Tuttle
Carrol June "Chip" Fields, 48, Guthrie
Rona Linn Kuehner-Chafey, 35, Oklahoma City
Carrie Ann Lenz, 26, of Chotaw and baby Michael James Lenz III
Kenneth Glenn McCullough, 36, Edmond
Cynthia L. Brown, 26, Oklahoma City
Donald Ray Leonard, 50, Edmond
Mickey B. Maroney, 50, Oklahoma City
Linda G. McKinney, 47, Oklahoma City
Kathy Lynn Seidl, 39, Bethel
Alan G. Whicher, 40, Edmond
Ted L. Allen, 48, Norman
Peter R. Avillanoza, 56, Oklahoma City
David Neil Burkett, 47, Oklahoma City
Donald Earl Burns, Sr., 63, Oklahoma City
Kimberly Kay Clark, 39, Oklahoma City
Susan Jane Ferrell, 37, Oklahoma City
Dr. George Michael Howard, D.V.M., 45, Vallejo, Calif
Antonio "Tony" C. Reyes, 55, Edmond
Lanny Lee David Scroggins, 46, Yukon
Leora Lee Sells, 57, Oklahoma City
Jules A. Valdez, 51, Edmond
David Jack Walker, 54, Edmond
Michael D. Weaver, 54, Edmond
Frances "Fran" Ann Williams, 48, Oklahoma City
Clarence Eugene Wilson, Sr. 49, Oklahoma
Diane E. (Hollingsworth) Althouse, 45, Edmond
Andrea Yvette Blanton, 33, Oklahoma City
Kim R. Cousins, 33, Midwest City
Diana Lynne Day, 38, Oklahoma City
Castine Brooks Hearn Deveroux, 49, Oklahoma City
Judy J. (Froh) Fisher, 45, Oklahoma City
Linda Louise Florence, 43, Oklahoma City
J. Colleen Guiles, 59, Oklahoma City
Thompson Eugene "Gene" Hodges, Jr., 54, Norman
Ann Kreymborg, 57, Oklahoma City
Teresa Lea Taylor Lauderdale, 41, Shawnee
Mary Leasure-Rentie, 39, Bethany
Betsy J. (Beebe) McGonnell, 47, Norman
Patricia Ann Nix, 47, Edmond
Terry Smith Rees, 41, Midwest City
John Thomas Stewart, 51, Oklahoma City
John Karl Van Ess III, 67, Chickasha
Jo Ann Whittenberg, 35, Oklahoma City
Sgt. Benjamin LaRanzo Davis, USMC, 29, Edmond
Capt. Randolph A. Guzman, USMC, 28, Castro Valley, Calif
Olen Burl Bloomer, 61, Moore
James E. Boles, 50, Oklahoma City
Dr. Margaret L. "Peggy" Clark, 42, Chickasha
Richard (Dick) Cummins, 55, Mustang
Doris "Adele" Higginbottom, 44, Oklahoma City
Carole Sue Khalil, 50, Oklahoma City
Rheta Bender Long, 60, Oklahoma City
Paul Gregory Beatty Broxterman, 42, Edmond
Paul D. Ice, 42, Midwest City
Claude Authur Medearis, S.S.A., 41, Norman
Lucio Aleman, Jr., 33, Oklahoma City
Mark Allen Bolte, 28, Oklahoma City
Michael Carrillo, 44, Oklahoma City
Larry James Jones, 46. Yukon
James K. Martin, 34, Oklahoma City
Ronota Ann Newberry-Woodbridge, 31, Edmond
Jerry Lee Parker, 45, Norman
Michelle A. Reeder, 33, Oklahoma City
Rick L. Tomlin, 46, Piedmont
Johnny Allen Wade, 42, Edmond
John A. Youngblood, 52, Yukon
Sgt. 1st Class Lola Bolden, U.S. Army, 40, Birmingham, Ala
Karen Gist Carr, 32, Midwest City
Peggy Louise Holland, 37, Oklahoma City
John C. Moss III., 50, Oklahoma City
Victoria "Vickey" L. Sohn, 36, Moore
Dolores "Dee" Stratton, 51, Moore
Kayla Marie Titsworth, 3 1/2, Lawton
Wanda Lee Watkins, 49, Oklahoma City
Harley Richard Cottingham, 46, Oklahoma City
Peter L. DeMaster, 44, Oklahoma City
Norma "Jean" Johnson, 62, Oklahoma City
Larry L. Turner, 42, Oklahoma City
Robert G. Westberry, 57, Oklahoma City
Woodrow Clifford "Woody" Brady, 41, Oklahoma City
Kimberly Ruth Burgess, 29, Oklahoma City
Kathy A. Finley, 44, Yukon
Jamie (Fialkowski) Genzer, 32, Wellston
Sheila R. Gigger-Driver, 28, Oklahoma City and baby Gregory N. Driver II
Linda Coleen Housley, 53, Oklahoma City
Robbin Ann Huff, 37, Bethany and baby Amber Denise Huff
Christi Yolanda Jenkins, 32, Edmond
Alvin J. Justes, 54, Oklahoma City
Valerie Jo Koelsch, 33, Oklahoma City
Kathy Cagle Leinen, 47, Oklahoma City
Claudette (Duke) Meek, 43, Oklahoma City
Frankie Ann Merrell, 23, Oklahoma City
Jill Diane Randolph, 27, Oklahoma City
Claudine Ritter, 48, Oklahoma City
Christy Rosas, 22, Moore
Sonja Lynn Sanders, 27, Moore
Karan Howell Shepherd, 27, Moore
Victoria Jeanette Texter, 37, Oklahoma City
Virginia M. Thompson, 56, El Reno
Tresia Jo "Mathes" Worton, 28, Oklahoma City
Miss Baylee Almon, 1, Oklahoma City
Danielle Nicole Bell, 15 months, Oklahoma City
Zachary Taylor Chavez, 3, Oklahoma City
Dana LeAnne Cooper, 24, Moore
Anthony Christopher Cooper II, 2, Moore
Antonio Ansara Cooper, Jr., 6 months, Midwest City
Aaron M. Coverdale, 5 1/2, Oklahoma City
Elijah S. Coverdale, 2 1/2, Oklahoma City
Jaci Rae Coyne, 14 months, Moore
Brenda Faye Daniels, 42, Oklahoma City
Taylor Santoi Eaves, 8 months, Midwest City
Wanda Lee Howell, 34, Spencer
Blake Ryan Kennedy, 1 1/2, Amber
Dominique Ravae (Johnson)-London, 2, Oklahoma City
Chase Dalton Smith, 3, Oklahoma City
Colton Wade Smith, 2, Oklahoma City
Scott D. Williams, 24, Tuttle
Teresa Antionette Alexander, 33, Oklahoma City
Richard A. Allen, 46, Oklahoma City
Pamela Cleveland Argo, 36, Oklahoma City
Saundra G. "Sandy" Avery, 34, Midwest City
Calvin Battle, 62, Oklahoma City
Peola Battle, 56, Oklahoma City
Oleta C. Biddy, 54, Tuttle
Casandra Kay Booker, 25, Oklahoma City
Carol Louise Bowers, 53, Yukon
Peachlyn Bradley, 3, Oklahoma City
Gabreon D.L. Bruce, 3 months, Oklahoma City
Katherine Louise Cregan, 60, Oklahoma City
Ashley Megan Eckles, 4, Guthrie
Don Fritzler, 64, Oklahoma City
Mary Anne Fritzler, 57, Oklahoma City
Laura Jane Garrison, 61, Oklahoma City
Margaret Betterton Goodson, 54, Oklahoma City
Ethel L. Griffin, 55, Edmond
Cheryl E. Hammon, 44, Oklahoma City
Ronald Vernon Harding, Sr., 55, Oklahoma City
Thomas Lynn Hawthorne, Sr., 52, Choctaw
Dr. Charles E. Hurlburt, 73, Oklahoma City
Jean Nutting Hurlburt, 67, Oklahoma City
Raymond "Lee" Johnson, 59, Oklahoma City
LaKesha Richardson Levy, 21, Midwest City
Aurelia Donna Luster, 43, Guthrie
Robert Lee Luster, Jr., 45, Guthrie
Rev. Gilbert X. Martinez, 35, Oklahoma City
Cartney J. McRaven, 19, Midwest City
Derwin W. Miller, 27, Oklahoma City
Eula Leigh Mitchell, 64, Oklahoma City
Emilio Tapia, 50, Oklahoma City
Charlotte Andrea Lewis Thomas, 43, Oklahoma City
Michael George Thompson, 47, Yukon
LaRue A. Treanor, 55, Guthrie
Luther H. Treanor, 61, Guthrie
Robert N. Walker, Jr., 52, Oklahoma City
Julie Marie Welch, 23, Oklahoma City
W. Stephen Williams, 42, Cashion
Sharon Louise Wood-Chesnut, 47, Oklahoma City
Steven Douglas Curry, 44, Norman
Michael L. Loudenslager, 48, Harrah
Worthless sacks of shit who thrived after this colossal and unnecessary loss of life
President Bill Clinton
First Lady Hillary Clinton
Department of Justice Chief Janet Reno
So who was the loser in this, now, twenty year old "incident" between authoritarian government and the constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties of the American people? I would say every one of the 250 killed, their families, and the thousands of futures, thanks to abuses of the Clinton administration, that never were.*
*This post is not, in any way, intended vindicate Timothy Mcveigh's actions on April 19, 1995. Mcveigh was a monster who murdered 168 innocent children, women and men completely uninvolved in Janet Reno's raid on the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco Texas. My point is to demonstrate that the Clinton administration's progressive liberal disdain for freedom of religion (First Amendment) and civilian access to firearms (Second Amendment) set in motion a tragic and deadly chain of events that would have never occurred in a society enforcing constitutional limits on a corrupt and abusive political class.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Fox News could not define "Neocon". I can. Neocons are the wonderful people who seek to expand the police state, at the expense of our civil liberties, promote mob-rule "democracy" over our rule-of-law Constitutional Republic, believe politicians are not subject to any law, love the inflationary debt metrics of Keynesian economics, oversee the expansion of our national deficit and debt, promote strong central government over individual liberty, historically promote gun control and, regarding the Bush 43 Neocons, are the nice folks who gave us the pro-jihad Marxists of the Obama administration. You're welcome Fox panel. I'm here to help!
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