Repeat after me, "Inflation good! Deflation bad!" Now, say this mantra throughout every day of your life until you are sick at the sight of low gas prices, affordable mortgages, and interest rates that allow you to build wealth in savings accounts versus risking your financial future on the guidance of central bankers and speculative market turmoil.
Then, and only then, will you be a good little Keynesian drone gleefully expecting government to, like all else, "fix the economy" when oil is not $130 a barrel, interest rates at record lows, or stocks at record highs. Oh, and to help you sleep at night, completely block from your mind the skyrocketing national debt, economic crises, and geopolitical instability caused by these inflationary policies. Zzzzzzz.....
If, on the other hand, you've noticed something is not quite right, that the economic deck is stacked against the most productive and hardest working people in the nation, relax. You're not crazy and, yes, it is a conspiracy. But don't vote for Bernie Sanders. Socialism sows the seeds of slavery and genocide. Put on your economic seat belt and read this:
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