Sunday, September 25, 2016

The State Will Not Protect You: Cascade Mall Shooting

Turkish derivative and Cascade Mall active shooter Arcan Cetin used a .22 caliber "plinking" rifle to kill five people despite the mall "committed to providing our guests with a safe and secure shopping environment by providing 24-hour professional security services." So much for the left's "assault rifle ban" narrative.

Our government, mismanaged by the Marxist, America-hating Obama and his criminally negligent Justice Department, is far more effective at getting Americans killed in the interests of globalization, integration of incompatible foreigners, and political correctness than protecting our “useless” lives from low IQ Muslim terrorists and active shooters/slashers freely operating in state and federally mandated gun free zones. (1)

Under no president in history have Americans been more at risk of losing our lives from shopping with family or seeing movies with friends than we currently are under the Alinskyite criminal occupying the White House. Nor should we believe these escalations of criminality, violence, and terror under Obama are accidental or attributed to untended consequences.

Your untimely death, whether by Muslim terrorists, illegal aliens, or active shooters, is a policy objective for progressives and the Obama government. 

Obama lied his way to the Presidency for a single purpose, to put an end to our republic as it was founded and replace it with a weak, open border, third-world, single ruling class direct democracy commanding a disarmed, poor, powerless citizenry that habitually fights among itself and petitions the ruling class for “solutions” that never materialize. (2)

1. Are you still not carrying a gun? Washington State is among ten in the union with the highest percentage of weapon carry permit holders, yet Cetin, despite mall security and police response, freely executed five innocent people and calmly walked off the scene. Carry your pistol when in public. Have sufficient training and ammunition to use it against skilled or unskilled active shooters armed with intermediate cartridge rifles. The next shooter will not be armed with a .22.

2. Thank the spineless Republican congressional delegation for aiding and abetting Obama.

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