Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Obama Really “Gave Away” The Internet

Name one thing authoritarian rulers and regimes lose more sleep over than the thought of an armed citizenry and INFORMATION should be first to mind. 

Namely a free exchange of information and, most threatening to the Obama's, Jong Uns, and al-Sissis of the world, free exchange of ideas and political dissent.

Control of information is control of humanity. People cannot react to corruption and injustice perpetrated by government leaders when ignorant of its existence. (1)

Imagine reverting to a time when the only source of information on the country and world is government-licensed (run) TV and cable media networks. A seeming impossibility with the proliferation of internet-based alternatives, but regulation and control of information and communication is equally important to the authoritarian left as gun control and their dream of eventual confiscation.

Nothing has been more threatening to status quo globalists and liberal political activists than the ability of disjunctive ideas and political movements to freely exist across counter-narrative news and social media networks.

Whether the advancement of the Tea Party or libertariansim, the progressive left has immensely suffered from citizens using the internet to expand freedom and liberty within a society where government and its handlers are obsessed with subjectivity, surveillance, and control.

Obama allowing foreign kleptocrats to influence who gets websites, the policies governing those sites, and what sites operate and get shut down is an integral part of his war on the United States that supposes a more “globalized” America, inundated with millions of Democrat-voting, irrational, America-hating, low IQ immigrants and illegals from the corruption, rape, and murder armpits of the world, will eventually forfeit enough of its power and influence to disappear from the earth as a recognizable sovereign nation. (2)

1. Excludes fictitious narratives of injustice like “Hands Up Don't Shoot,” perpetrated by terroristic Black Lives Matter, but real corruption as demonstrated by the Obama Administration, his Justice Department, Hillary Clinton, and FBI Director James Comey.

2. Expand this thesis to the likes of Angela Merkel and we see the trend among leftist progressives to completely eradicate Western civilization from the planet.

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