Update 10 Oct 2016: The above video and youtube account, under the name "davey jones," were deleted following our exposure of this attempted Obama administration ATF entrapment scheme which showed a masked man dropping a "key" into the lower receiver of a M-4 profile AR15, disconnecting the semi-automatic trigger sear, firing the gun full auto, then offering viewers "a chance" to send in $50 to receive their own "full auto key."
Any self-respecting gun owner with a modicum of brain tissue knows legally owning a fully automatic pistol, SBR, rifle, or crew served weapon, outside of those ridiculous bump fire stocks, involves paper work, thousands of dollars, and a lot of special permission from government officials most of us would like to never meet. (Thanks idiots in congress. The NFA has really kept us safe!)1
Not so, according to the enclosed video. Simply send your address and receive information on how to get your very own drop in full auto key that 'will make any AR-15 fully automatic'.
The ATF agent in the balaclava fails to mention you will be facing 20 years in federal prison once his buddies, with your name and address, kick your door at 0300, shoot your dog and family then drag you to jail for anything but a speedy trial, bail denied.
One would think, with jihadis crawling all over the country planning American deaths by the millions, our corrupt third world government would be out hunting real bad guys.
Instead its Executive Branch minions are trying to pump prisons full of otherwise unsuspecting, patriotic American gun owners for the purpose of convincing congress they need larger budgets to hunt down more unsuspecting, patriotic American gun owners.
Fast and Furious failed so try try again, right?
1. Sorry America but the guberment thinks you are just too stupid and dangerous to own guns that go pew pew pew pew, instead of pew, pew, pew, pew, despite many gun owners being issued the pew pew pew pew ones in the military. Why is that?
Any self-respecting gun owner with a modicum of brain tissue knows legally owning a fully automatic pistol, SBR, rifle, or crew served weapon, outside of those ridiculous bump fire stocks, involves paper work, thousands of dollars, and a lot of special permission from government officials most of us would like to never meet. (Thanks idiots in congress. The NFA has really kept us safe!)1
Not so, according to the enclosed video. Simply send your address and receive information on how to get your very own drop in full auto key that 'will make any AR-15 fully automatic'.
The ATF agent in the balaclava fails to mention you will be facing 20 years in federal prison once his buddies, with your name and address, kick your door at 0300, shoot your dog and family then drag you to jail for anything but a speedy trial, bail denied.
One would think, with jihadis crawling all over the country planning American deaths by the millions, our corrupt third world government would be out hunting real bad guys.
Instead its Executive Branch minions are trying to pump prisons full of otherwise unsuspecting, patriotic American gun owners for the purpose of convincing congress they need larger budgets to hunt down more unsuspecting, patriotic American gun owners.
Fast and Furious failed so try try again, right?
1. Sorry America but the guberment thinks you are just too stupid and dangerous to own guns that go pew pew pew pew, instead of pew, pew, pew, pew, despite many gun owners being issued the pew pew pew pew ones in the military. Why is that?
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