Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How Obamacare Becomes Gun Confiscation Under "President Hillary"

Official Government Statement For Immediate Release
From: Office of the Presidency
Subject: CDC/Presidential Directive No. 26
Date of Release: Tuesday 7 November 2017

Following numerous studies and decades of research, the Center For Disease Control and Prevention and Office of the Presidency have concluded that privately-owned firearms are a systemic danger to public health and safety.

All gun owners residing within the central northern American territory, formerly known as the United States of America, will have no more than 72 hours from the release of this notice, to hand in all privately-owned revolvers, pistols, short-barreled rifles, carbines, and long guns to their nearest police or sheriff's department.

Firearm owners failing or refusing to comply with the above presidential decree will face a series of administrative and criminal legal actions.
  1. Any citizen failing or refusing to comply with CDC/Presidential Directive 26 will be immediately removed from the National Healthcare Registry, otherwise known as “Hillarycare”.
  1. In addition to becoming ineligible for NHR coverage and benefits, armed  belligerents failing or refusing to comply with CDC/Presidential Directive 26 will pay 100 percent of their healthcare costs which can equal or exceed $1000 per doctor visit and up to $100,000 for a single ER visit.
  1. In addition to losing NHR coverage and benefits, and being personally responsible for all medical treatments and costs, citizens failing or refusing to comply with CDC/Presidential Directive 26 will face Internal Revenue Service levies at 50 percent of income for the first six months of noncompliance, and 100 percent income levies for all months following.
  1. Lastly, citizens failing or refusing to comply with CDC/Presidential Directive 26 will be subject to criminal prosecution for noncompliance with a direct Presidential order, and/or failure to pay requisite IRS fines associated with said noncompliance, and subject to seizure and indefinite arrest at the discretion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Presidential Directive Enforcement Unit forgoing due process and legal representation.
Your cooperation is appreciated,

President Hillary Rodham Clinton*

No one asks what will happen when Obamacare collapses under its own weight while  Hillary Clinton is President of the United States.

Most wrongly speculate Obamacare will simply go away when the last private insurer quits, and with it the shameful sickos who created it.  

In reality, liberals have no shame, do not take responsibility for the failures of their  disastrous tax and deficit-funded social nightmares, and Obamacare, under a Hillary administration, will not disappear.

An Obamacare crisis under President Hillary will not kill the “Affordable” Care Act. To the contrary Hillary will weaponize Obamacare against those engaging in activities deemed 'high risk to public safety' such as personal protection from criminal or government deadly force by way of gun ownership.

The failure of Obamacare will have one of two outcomes. Under President Trump the law will die and be replaced with competitive market alternatives. Under President Hillary,  Obamacare will become a government-run weaponized version of its former self used to control or attack those who refuse to comply in demand of their few remaining freedoms. Something for undecideds and never Trumpers who value American freedom and legally-protected natural rights to consider.

*The above example is fictional unless, of course, Hillary Clinton becomes President.  

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