Thursday, February 5, 2015

Obama and ISIS: BFFs until the very end... of western civilization

As King Abdullah of Jordan takes fatal retribution on ISIS for the murder of fighter pilot Moath al-Kasasbeh, King Hussein of America continues to avoid a concrete strategy to “downgrade and defeat” the Islamic terror group.

Americans keep asking why Obama is so accommodating to the likes of ISIS and mistakenly look to cable "news" for insight into his Marxist revolutionary mind. Sadly, the American media does not have the historical perspective or courage to label Obama as they should; a willing accomplice to radical Islam.

Exemplified by his cheerful day of golf immediately following the beheading of James Foley it is doubtful Obama even disagrees with the gruesome tactics employed by ISIS. As a Marxist radical the means of revolution matter little to Obama, only that all "unfair" aspects of society are obliterated in the name of total equality.

  ISIS and Obama combine the most visceral illogic of Marxism: evil and insanity. ISIS, for example, commits acts of unspeakable brutality yet considers itself a righteous necessity that humanity must endure for the sake of Islamic purity. Similarly Obama is completely incapable of labeling radical Islam evil because he sees the “good intent” of jihad despite its mandate to destroy innocent life.

A central tenant of progressive liberalism is a refusal to call good "good" or evil "evil." Essentially there is no value system, only a political agenda that always involves a lot of bad things happening to the masses by a handful of guiltless, self-proclaimed prodigies obsessed with social engineering. Sound familiar? This is why Obama will never associate Islam with violence against non-Muslims. He truly believes, in the greater scheme of things, Muslims got the historical short end of the stick, Jews and Western society are to blame, and 'payback's a bitch.'

All oppressors share commonalities and mutual interests. For Obama and ISIS it is their disdain for Israel and western civilization. The tactics vary but their goals do not and the mutual collaboration between radical Islam and Obama will continue until the former is destroyed and the latter is impeached or replaced via his term expiring.

In other words, the growth and brutality of ISIS, and like terror groups, will continue unless Obama is separated from his executive power and ISIS is separated from its existence. With two years as president remaining, however, it is unlikely Obama will loose his ability to accommodate global Jihad, which is another reason Americans must take more responsibility for our own protection. After all Obama has as much interest in stopping ISIS in America as he does where he created it in Libya, Syria, and Iraq.

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