Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wrong, Ben, Wrong!

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson recently soiled his shoes by stepping in a pile of his own making when suggesting terrified victims of the Umpqua Community College shooter, after seeing their professor head shot point blank, 'should have rushed the shooter instead of doing nothing and being shot.'

why do so called conservatives not have the courage to address gun free zones as the real cause of mass shootings in America? Why are none of our presumed pro-gun politicians calling for an end to gun free zones and demanding American citizens be armed and allowed our human and constitutional civil right to self-defense from criminal deadly force?

  We certainty don't see animal rights activists demanding the prey of predatory species have their claws, teeth, and horns removed to prevent being attacked and eaten by carnivorous attackers. Yet the mantra of "remove guns from potential victims to make public places safe" is always the first go-to for political opponents and too many self-espoused advocates of the Second Amendment.

A recent study by Purdue University Professor Eric Dietz, handily ignored by media outlets, demonstrates that all mass shooting since the 1950s, for the exception of two, have been in gun free zones. Dietz also constructed a statistical model showing how 10 percent of teachers carrying concealed firearms, in addition to the presence of an armed resource officer, reduces school active shooting casualties by 70.2 percent.

Contact your Washington representatives. Inform them that to be serious about stopping active shootings they must first irradiate federally-mandated gun free zones; the preferred hunting grounds for deranged savages known as "active shooters". And please, if you are voting Republican in 2016 vote for a candidate who understands guns and the purpose of guns in American history and culture.

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