Saturday, July 16, 2016

Not “Radical” Islam. Islam

Disciples of Islam are at war with the West, laughing as our political leaders suggest more intelligence gathering and military intervention while Islamic operators freely move within the borders of Western nations they seek to destroy. 

Islam, the “religion of peace,” is the Nazi and Communist scourge of the twenty first century.(1) The Western world did not, in the previous century, set varying degrees for which one could be a “good” or “bad” Nazi or communist. Members of those collective tyrannies, as threats to human liberty, were killed and driven out of Western society.

There is no such thing, therefore, as portions of Islam being radical since all of Islam is radical as a globalized suppression of freedom and individual discretion. 

Although most Muslims are not physically violent, to the extent they participate in acts of terrorism, all Muslims subscribe to the Sunnah of Muhammad which does not allow coexistence with secular cultures or competing faiths and must culminate in the suppression of all non-Muslims by the sword or religious assimilation.

Our pandering political class must stop treating Islam like a legitimate religion and start treating it as the global parasite it was created to be before Islam's war on secular humanity consumes earth's few remnants of freedom.

The Gingrich Plan
Following the Islamic attack in Nice, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich suggested the US government litmus test and deport all US-based Muslims subscribing to sharia law.

Gingrich is a great American, standing apart from most invertebrate politicians, but his solution to deport Muslims who believe in Sharia ignores the fact that no militant Islamist will profess allegiance to a belief that results in his or her removal from the “battlefield”.

The qualification for deporting Muslims, therefore, cannot only be based on a declared allegiance to sharia, but actions that threaten our domestic security. This, of course, means surveillance and infiltration of Muslim communities throughout the United States.(2) 

America's Muslim mitigation strategy must be carried out by the US criminal justice system to include a ban on Muslim immigration, deportation of Muslims who are not US citizens, and investigation, trial, and incarceration or execution of American Muslims facilitating jihad.

The alternative is do nothing and allow the continued mass murder of innocents by Islamic savages. America cannot be inclusive to the extent of its extinction. 

The Trump Plan
Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from nations exporting terrorism is counterintuitive in that it overlooks the thousands of Muslims residing within US borders willing to or already planning attacks on American citizens.(3) 

Trump's line of thinking also brings to light the costly pointlessness of military action in Syria and why immigration bans and deportation of Muslims is the better, and less bloody, choice for the Western world.

US and allied military could kill every living thing in Raqqa, turning the entire city to glass, with zero effect on Islamic attacks in America and Europe.

Our inner walls have been inundated by the enemy. American towns and cities have been flooded with Islam's soldiers by the very Western governments bombing their homelands to oblivion.

Islam is building its caliphates in Europe and the Unites States, not only in lands long ago lost to the perversions of Arabic culture. 

With millions of American Muslims, and Muslims in America, attempting to join ISIS or empathetic to Sharia and Islamic jihad, the US, itself, would ironically meet the criteria for Trump's immigration ban as a “key instigator of Islamic terrorism”.

How could we ban thousands of militant Muslims from the US already residing in the US? This returns us to the absurd concept of “good” and “bad” followers of Islam

All of Islam is “bad” in that it seeks destruction of Western values. All Muslims must, therefore, subscribe to an anti-Western ideology to follow the tenants of Islam.

Time to go
Is the segregation of Islam from the United States an extreme strategy that will create an entire segment of persecuted citizens within our nation? Yes, but so too were our dealings with British monarchical authoritarianism in the eighteenth century and the collective tyrannies of Nazi socialism and communism in the twentieth century.

Islam is at war with Western civilization and handily winning thanks to our naive proclivity for globalism, multiculturalism, and the suicidal utopian pursuit of equality. 

Either cultures go to extremes to survive challenges to their existence or they cease to exist. The choice for Western civilization is to fight the encroachment of Islam, or die. What will be our choice? 

"America will become a dictatorship”
It is an incorrect supposition that America's forced breakup with Islam will turn our nation toward tyranny. The existence of Islam within our nation is turning us toward tyranny. We did not become a dictatorship after the defeat and forced expulsion of the British Empire. 

We did not become an amalgamation of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, or Soviet Russia after defeating the ideologies of those nation's disastrous political experiments.

Like our eighteenth and twentieth century counterparts, Twenty first century Americans cannot be labeled tyrants when warring for freedom, liberty, and the preservation of our secular supreme law ("US Constitution" for you Obama supporters) anymore than the earliest Americans became tyrants for expelling monarchical absolutism from the shores of the thirteen colonies. 

The allied twentieth century wars against nationalism and communism targeted all of Nazi Socialism, Japanese Imperialism, and Soviet Communism. An approach that led to the overwhelming defeat of those deadly, parasitic ideologies wherever on the planet they managed a foothold.

Islam is completely incompatible with Western civilization's concepts of freedom and individual liberty (as France's 6.5 million Muslim population has repeatedly shown).(4) 

Muslims must be reintegrated into the Arabic and Persian worlds to find solutions to their political, economic, and theocratic differences for the sake of our domestic security and cultural preservation.

The Western world did not create the abomination of Islam and is not responsible for its existence or demise. Muslims are accountable for the normalization of their violent, irrational belief system which must be moderated, undoubtedly with tremendous amounts of blood, outside of Western lands.

(1) Islam's peace: Dead, one cannot be anymore “at peace”.

(2) Muslims immigrating to the West are not socially and economically integrating into society but creating segregated Islamic enclaves, Muslim territories within Western nations. 

(3) There are reportedly 3 to 3.5 million Muslims residing in the United States, according to government statistics. Of those 15 - 25% are considered "radical" by standards fronted by the US intelligence community.

(4) France, a nation of 66 million, has a Muslim population of 6.5 million, twice that of the US. This, of curse, according to dated, pre-refugee crisis 2014 statistics. Of France's 67,500 person prison population, 47,250 prisoners are Muslim (70%). Muslim incarceration rate per 100k people in France: 727.2 Muslims vs 34.0 non-Muslims. 63% of French citizens believe that Islam is not compatible with French values. So much for Western “democracy”.

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