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The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing |
Tactically the 93' attack was a failure since it did not achieve, or achieved little of, the actors' intended results. For the Islamic war against western civilization, however, it was a huge strategic and inspirational success. The United States, home of the world's largest intelligence community and most powerful military, was shown to be vulnerable and, more importantly, "reachable."
Eight years later patience and meticulous planning 'paid off' for our jihadi enemies when, in September 2001, they destroyed the towers and thousands of innocent lives.
Forward to Garland Texas May 2015 and the overtones of February 1993 ring in our ears. Much like the first WTC bombing, however, few are paying attention to the meaning and significance of last Tuesday's attack in Texas.
What happened at the Garland Curtis Culwell Center was not an "end" to anything. In fact, it is the beginning a different and unfamiliar form of domestic conflict with radical Islam. Below are some lessons worth learning about what is to come for America with jihadi operators on US soil.
Lesson One: Garland Texas is only the beginning. Active shooter attacks are the growth sector of Islamic jihad. These attacks will reoccur, but will be larger in scale with a greater potential for loss of life. To most observers ISIS taking credit for the failed Garland attack is laughable. Many would agree that the Muhammad cartoon attack was a flop for Islamic jihad, but that was also the perception after the first WTC attack instigated by Khaled Sheikh Mohammed. By September 2001 Americans realized how much we underestimated our adversaries in their "failed" 1993 attack.
For radical Islam the significance of Garland is it happened, that it was possible. Two sloppy and untrained ISIS-inspired gunmen, despite being transported to a morgue after their failed shooting spree, planned, coordinated, and acted out an attack intent on killing American civilians.
Elton Simpsom and Nadir Soofi, wrapped in blue, shot dead by a fast-acting Garland LEO. |
Luckily the jihadis from Arizona received a 'Texas Welcome' from a fast-acting Garland LEO armed with a .45 caliber Glock. Next time, however, it is probable 'Allah's gunmen' will target those who are less protected, unarmed, or perceived to be unarmed. Think liberal anti-gun city, gun free zone, or, as I keep repeating to no avail, public schools.(1) Like the 1993 WTC attack, Garland is our wake up call. America, pay attention this time.
Lesson Two: Coordination between citizens and LE culminated in bad guys, with the intent and potential of killing dozens, being neutralized by (I know the Left hates this phrase) 'a good guy with gun.' Let's be clear, the massive, unconstitutional surveillance state did not stop this attack. Prepared minds and an appropriate caliber pistol in the right hands did. The FBI warned the Garland police department, but it was Texans, guns, and courage that prevented loss of innocent life.(2)
But make no mistake. This was an easy win for the good guys. After all the Mohammad cartoon event's QRF was the Garland SWAT. Next time jihadi attackers will be better prepared, possibly trained and focused on softer targets; again, unarmed Americans or Americans perceived to be unarmed.
Lesson Three: Progressive liberals and neo-cons will push to take more of your rights, property and freedom if domestic terror attacks increase in frequency and brutality. In short, armed Americans should be prepared for battle on two fronts. One for our lives, and those of our loved ones against jihadist attacks on US soil, and two, a legal and constitutional battle against the progressive and neo-conservative political class for our freedoms and ability to protect ourselves from criminal deadly force.
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The Three Amigos: Over 20 years of unconstitutional Hamiltonian monarchism. |
Expect no less from the statist-compliant "news" media. In a recent FOX episode of Sean Hannity, American Freedom Defense Initiative founder Pam Gellar took liberal commentator Juan Williams to the tool shed on the issue of constitutional free speech in the era of Islamic fascism. In a very personal debate Geller made Williams look like an apologist for the actions of the Garland TX shooters, and Islamic jihad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRPPqIV6QJM
The following morning Williams's friend and colleague Geraldo Rivera appeared on Fox and Friends to condemn Gellar, aligning her with the Nazi Party and Aryan Brotherhood, for hosting a contest depicting satirical images of the prophet of Islam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm8xzjGMRO8
To the Geraldos and Juans, who place Pam Geller in some radical camp for insulting the world's most sensitive and violent monotheistic religion, your defense of Islam will not save you. Condemn, at the defense of Muslim sensitivities, Americans citizens for practicing our First Amendment rights all you want. Your heads will come off all the same if the savages of ISIS or their followers ever get their hands on you. Condemnation of Pam Geller, or anyone in her organization, will never assuage killers of non-combatant men, women, and children. Which brings us to....
Lesson Four: Jihadi savages can only be "converted" by assuming room temperature via terminal ballistics.
Be armed. Be trained. Be ready.
1. The majority of public schools in the US do not have a full time (armed) resource officer, despite the multitude of city, county and state LE resources available. -Due to federally-mandated gun free zones most US public schools are, in the aftermath of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook, still completely unprotected from criminal deadly force like active shooting attacks. Unlike our school children precious metals, stones, and fiat currency (commodities) in retail and wholesale markets are thoroughly protected by firearms.
2. Watching media commentary, following the Garland terror attack, the Left seemed to regret none of the 200 Americans attending at the Muhammad cartoon event were killed as "punishment" for participating in an activity that "insulted" The Prophet. -Progressive narrative on Garland Cartoon Event: "No one's life should ever be put at risk to exercise American freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution."
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