Sunday, May 10, 2015

America's Domestic War with Radical Islam. Who is Most at Risk?

On Friday 8 May 2015 the US Defense Department raised its threat level from Alpha to Bravo, or from "possible" to "predictable" threat of terrorism against American military bases and posts throughout the United States.

An interesting move by the DOD since the most effective and propagandist terror attacks will not be against heavily fortified military installations but against vulnerable and soft targets like schools, gun-free zones, and mass gatherings of unarmed civilians.*

If the DOD were truly concerned for the safety of our service personnel, on and off post, why restrict them from carrying personal firearms for self-defense, and defense of others, while in uniform?

Is the DOD concerned for our service people or "stuff" on base? If the former, why not allow our mothers, fathers, brothers, sister, sons, and daughters in uniform to arm at their discretion in an environment of rising terror threats? 

Write your federal representatives. Tell them to allow our service people the same rights as civilians in carrying defensive handguns. Copy, paste, modify, and send my letter (below) to your reps if you want.

Dear Representative .......

In addition to supporting an end to “gun free” zones please author legislation allowing US service members to carry, for self-defense and the defense of others, personal concealed handguns while in uniform. 

It is preposterous, in this era of active shootings and terrorism, our uniformed service personnel have no means of defending themselves or others at the outset of a “Ft. Hood” or Paris-style terrorist attack. 

America must abandon the “not here” mentality. Combined with the already present threats from violent criminals and active shooters, western society is in a multi-generational, asymmetrical war with militant Islam.

All able Americans, civilian and military, should be legally permitted to respond when our people and homeland are attacked. At least the US government should not mandate defenselessness and allow service members who wish to be armed to so be. Those intent on committing acts of evil will always be armed and violent despite the rules.


Joe Blow
*Every K-12 school in American should be protected with deadly force, in this elevated terrorist threat environment, yet very few have a full or even part time resource officer. What, in our society, is more important than our children? Certainty not an F-18. What, in our society, would be the highest value target to a savage jihadist? Same answer.

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